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Meet the team

Nick - Cambridge Water

Hi H2Online members. I’m Nick and lead the customer insight team for Cambridge Water. My main role is to be the customer voice inside the company and to work with the teams to make sure your views and priorities shape their plans, so that you get the best possible service.  

I want the community to be a place where you feel your voice is heard and where you can openly share your views with others. I hope you learn a few things along the way and have some fun! 

I’ve been working here for over 7 years now and it has really opened my eyes to how important it is that we all contribute to the debate to make sure we have clean water every day, now and in the future. Outside of work I enjoy running and cycling with my dog and watching rugby and tennis. 

Lorna - Cambridge Water


Hi, I’m Lorna and I have been helping to run H2Online since 2022. In Cambridge Water, I work in the team who create and deliver our business plans, and previously I have many different jobs working with children, in accounting, and even administering vaccines during the pandemic!

I love being part of the H2Online community team, and seeing what an engaging group of members we have. It is exciting to think about what projects we may be able to test with our members in the future, and the feedback we could gather from you.

I love to spend time with my family and friends outside of work, and I am also an avid reader (I beat my personal best and read 43 books in 2023!).

Kirsty - Explain Research

Hi, I’m Kirsty and I'm part of the Explain team. I work with lots of different companies and tend to focus on qualitative research, understanding people’s thoughts and behaviours.

I’m very passionate about these communities as I see them as a great way for customers to have an input both at Cambridge Water and at Explain. My job is mostly supporting in creating community content, understanding your views, and making sure that you feel as valued as you are in these communities.

In my spare time, I am usually running round like crazy after my three children. I do love exercise and yoga specifically too!

Emma - Explain Research

Hi, I'm Emma and I'm part of the Explain team. I work across different projects and communities to help support members in receiving the communication they expect. I'm likely the go-to person to pass on any of your queries to Cambridge Water. 

In my spare time, I enjoy reading and attend a book club once a month. I also enjoy running (mostly in the summer though!).

Sasha – Explain Research

Hi everyone, I’m Sasha and I’m part of the Explain team. As part of my role at Explain, I work with various different organisations and communities.

It’s great to be a part of the H2Online community team to be able to hear all of your helpful feedback and views on Cambridge Water, and to make sure you feel listened to.

In my spare time, I love to go to the gym and play netball, as well as socialise with my family and friends!